Training and cross-educational effects of a six-week isokinetic eccentric program on dorsiflexion range of motion, plantarflexor strength, and muscle-tendon mechanics dataset

  • Tony Kay (Creator)
  • Anthony J Blazevich (Contributor)
  • Jessica Tysoe (Contributor)
  • Brett Baxter (Contributor)



This dataset in the excel spreadsheet depicts the raw data for all variables collected before and after a six-week eccentric resistance training programme. Data for each variable (column A) are separated into 3 groups: 1) the trained (right) lower-limb of the experimental group (columns B [pre-training] and C [post-training]), 2) the untrained (left) contralateral lower-limb of the experimental group (columns D [pre-training] and E [post-training]), and 3) the left lower-limb of the control group (columns F [pre-training] and G [post-training]). The equipment and software used to measure and collect the data for the variables listed in the spreadsheet are listed in the word document with all abbreviations reported in full.
Date made available27 Sept 2023
PublisherUniversity of Northampton
Date of data production1 Oct 2022 - 1 Apr 2023

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