An integrated information system for data management and visualisation

  • Mu, Mu (PI)
  • Atkinson, Nicole (CoI)

Project Details


internal funding. 100% FEC.

Layman's description

Big Film Group (BFG) uses an IT system for warehouse stock, production, studio, and business invoice management. The system is an essential part of their business, but their existing system is over 10 years old and could not cope with new demands. With the KE4BB grant, the UON team worked with BFG to analyse their business requirements and challenges, then developed a new online IT system using a state-of-the-art development framework. The framework uses a modular design which will allow the solution to expand with new features in the future. The solution includes 1) a new data storage and processing engine using modern database solutions. 2) a new web-based user application for data management and security features such as multi-level access control. 3) configurations for cloud migration. The UON team also identified multiple security risks in BFG’s current system which have been rectified in the new design. The UON team has also provided a cloud-based solution for the new system to operate without the need for BFG to maintain a local computer server.
Following the successful delivery of the project, BFG has contracted the research assistant on the project to continue developing the solution for business integration.
Short titleBFG-IT
Effective start/end date1/07/2230/11/22

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