6 Cs and 10 commitments: nurses’ understanding and use of courage

Fiona Barchard, Judith Sixsmith, Sarah Neill, Clency Meurier

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticlepeer-review


In 2012 the 6 Cs were launched by the chief nursing officer for England, one of which is courage. Leading change, adding value, published in 2016, adds 10 commitments for nursing practice. Much research has been conducted into compassion, competence, caring, communication and commitment, but there is relatively little research of the concept of courage. This article presents the initial findings of a study that explored nurses’ understanding of courage. The study used unstructured interview in a grounded theory approach, underpinned with epistemology of social constructionism (Charmaz 2014). 12 qualified nurses were interviewed in depth on their understanding of courage in professional practice. Three initial themes are; being in a situation you don't want to be in, speaking up and taking risks. Understanding Nurses' view of courage and its influence on practice can inform future recruitment and retention policy and practice, enabling preparation and support for nurses using courage in the practice setting. the 6 Cs, courage, understanding, grounded theory, unstructured interviews.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNursing Management
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 27 Feb 2017


  • Courage
  • grounded theory
  • nursing management
  • the 6Cs
  • understanding
  • unstructured interviews


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