British neo-Nazi fiction: Colin Jordan’s 'Merrie England – 2000' and 'The Uprising'

Research output: Contribution to Book/ReportChapterpeer-review


This chapter focuses on examination of a further instance of neo-Nazi fictional discourses. Focusing on recognition of the faith-like qualities of neo-Nazism, much of Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke study was concerned with the impact of the mystical worldview promoted by Savitri Devi on this milieu. While The Uprising can be seen as narrating Colin Jordan's solution to the existential crisis facing contemporary society, we will start with his first novella, merrie England, which rather offers Jordan's extreme, yet at least ostensibly satirical, diagnosis of modern Britain. While the nebulous field of fascism studies has undergone a cultural turn in recent years, for the most part this has been applied to analyses of inter-war fascisms rather than post-war incarnations of the ideology. The central contention of this chapter has been that Jordan's neo-Nazi fictional writings have both offered sympathetic activists a licence to entertain extremist views, and suggested that they should act upon these, violently if necessary.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCultures of Post-War British Fascism
EditorsNigel Copsey, John E Richardson
Place of PublicationAbingdon
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)9781315727257
ISBN (Print)9781138846838
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 10 Apr 2015

Publication series

NameRoutledge studies in fascism and the far right


  • Neo-nazi
  • Post-War Britain
  • Fascism
  • British fascism


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