Co-created projects with Learning Development Mentors

Sam Thomas, Sheryl Mansfield

Research output: Contribution to ConferenceNon-Textual Outputpeer-review


In 2021 Learning and Teaching Enhancement funded an initiative to resource a peer mentoring scheme. Eight Learning Development Mentors (LDM) were recruited from across the institution. Our aim was to create a supplementary, peer-led service which provides students with engaging, timely guidance and develops effective learning relationships based on parity and equality (Collier, 2015). We decided to use a similar approach to the Student Learning Assistant model of Price et al. (2019), where the Learning Development (LD) Mentors offer support to students from any disciplinary subject. The background to the project was to enable an opportunity for students to co-create and co-develop resources whilst improving the reach of the provision. The different initiatives will be outlined by the LDMs including the use of social media platforms, audiograms, a spread the word initiative, online and face to face drop-ins and the development of an asynchronous plagiarism awareness programme.


ConferenceInternational Forum for Peer Learning and Peer Support (International Academic Peer Learning Network and European Centre for SI-PASS)
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