Collaborative Learning: Enhancing the student experience through LLS

Kate Swinton, Helena Beeson, Fiona MacLellan, Fiona Watkins

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePoster


Library and Learning Services (LLS) is a new department within the University which brings together the Centre for Academic Practice (CfAP), a specialist study skills unit which provides support to students through individual tutorials, workshops and taught modules, and the library. CfAP staff will work alongside academic librarians (ALs) in a team known as Learning Development which will focus on addressing students’ questions regarding study skills and research at their point of need. The creation of such a structure has proved successful at other Higher Education institutions, enabling possibilities for collaborative delivery, holistic support, the sharing of best practice and the discovery of new opportunities.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jun 2012
EventLibrary and Learning Services (LLS) Conference 2012 - University of Northampton, Northampton, United Kingdom
Duration: 19 Jun 201219 Jun 2012


ConferenceLibrary and Learning Services (LLS) Conference 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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