Engaging the postgraduate student voice for enhancement of learning and teaching

Tracey Redwood, Alison Ward, Tracey Ali, Laura Elliott, Jacquie Ridge, Beth Garrett, Richard Byles, Denisa Rebaudo

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned Reportpeer-review


Postgraduate (PG) courses are undertaken for a variety of reasons and in many different formats across the three faculties (Faculty of Health Education and Society, Faculty of Business and Law and the Faculty of Art, Science and Technology) within the University of Northampton, (UON). PG students’ engagement, especially minority groups and part time students, are historically underrepresented with teaching and learning often devolved from undergraduate courses or professional doctorate courses. This underrepresented student body require a stronger network to engage, discuss and target their specific requirements within the university. Dissertation students’ satisfaction at UON in the latest PTES, (2022) survey is below the sector average.

Postgraduate studies frequently occur when students are raising families, working full time and busy meeting personal objectives. During this life-phase, engagement with the university community is difficult. However, this student group have skills and knowledge to enhance their own learning and teaching requirements which may strengthen the student experience and promote engagement. Enhancing the student voice within the PG community and across faculties will aid communication and the objectives identified within the Access and Participation Plan (APP) relating to attainment, retention and progression by ethnicity and IMD/POLAR characteristics.

This project concept was developed from the recommendations of a previously successful innovation bid, “Converting Willingness to Engagement” which targeted PG health professionals within FHES. It identified under representation within the professional postgraduate community.

The Postgraduate student voice, particularly at Master's level (L7), has been nationally identified as under-represented (PTES, 2022). This project explored how these students, deemed at risk of unconscious bias, intersectional students, the ethnical diverse and part time students can create a student voice and provide practical outcomes in terms of recommendations for all faculties.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of Northampton
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2023

Publication series

NameUniversity of Northampton


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