The relationship between emotional intelligence and well-being in academic employees

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticlepeer-review


The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between emotional demands, emotional intelligence and perceived stress in a sample of academic employees. The sample size of 100% (N =533) includes the following: 45.8% (N = 244) are male with a mean age of 48.78 (SD = 10.9) and median of 49; and 54.2% (N = 289) are female with a mean age of 47.29 (SD = 9.78) and median of 48. All academics work for universities in different countries around the world. Instruments associated with managing emotions (Trait emotional intelligence questionnaire- short form, TEIQue-SF) and perceived stress scale (PSS) are used in this study and the findings show that there is an invert relationship between perceived stress scale (PSS) and managing emotions; as PSS reduces managing emotions increases. The findings of this study provide a user-friendly summary that can inform and contribute to theory and future research.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Social Science Studies
Issue number5
Early online date22 Mar 2016
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 22 Mar 2016


  • Emotional intelligence
  • well-being
  • academics
  • Bowen
  • Rose
  • Pilkington


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