Safe new spaces: safeguarding students from violence and hate

Melanie Crofts, Kimberley M Hill, Evangelia Prokopiou, Barrick Rebecca

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePosterpeer-review


This HEFCE-funded project is addressing on-campus concerns about sexual violence, abuse, harassment and hate. Research suggests that these incidences are prevalent within Higher Education (HE), but limited research focuses on HE institutions within the UK. Through a range of collaborative activities and the creation of best practice, our New Spaces project aims to understand perceptions of on-campus spaces, by those using them. Staff and students are contributing to this research through a range of creative methods, for example, through photo-elicitation, as demonstrated in these images. This project will enhance and extend existing safeguarding policies and practices, including staff and student resources, training and more effective reporting, investigation and support mechanisms. Our work is informed by and created in partnership with students and will provide recommendations for our safe new campus context.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2018
EventImages of Research 2017-2018 - The University of Northampton, Northampton, United Kingdom
Duration: 31 Jan 201831 Jan 2018


ExhibitionImages of Research 2017-2018
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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